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You have 7 Seconds!

Posted by Sanesh Prasad on

You have 7 Seconds!

You Have 7 Seconds!

By Rashmii Amoah

 7 SECONDS! According to the experts in the business world, that’s how long it takes for someone to form their first impression of you. In that short window of time, a handful of judgments are made about. Are you someone who can be trusted? Are you person who has authority? Are you someone people can get along with? Are you intelligent? Many suggestions have been made about the non verbal actions you can take to make these seven seconds favorable to you. Your fashion style is one of them. Fashion style has been long held as key in how people perceive us. But what about how clothing affects the way we think and how behave towards those same people?

 ENCLOTHED COGNITION is the term coined by the two researchers who studied that very question. Dr Adam Galinsky and Hajo Adam found that the most important cause in this this effect is if we know the meaning our society has attached to item of clothing. Their study found that participants wearing coats assumed belonging to doctors, performed better in tests than did those who thought they were wearing a painter’s coat or those wearing street clothes. So what is a basic explanation of this test? You might say that society has views of doctors as being smarter and pay better attention to others than artists or those who spend their day in casual wear. But make note that the researchers claim that it is only when you wear, see and feel that item of clothing on your body will it influence your thinking process.

 SO how does RaVenClan label consider the enclothed cognition process of its clients?


FREEDOM is symbolized by the Raven which the label takes form in name and logo. Designer, Sanesh Prasad, is clear that his garments are made as a direct response to gentlemen who seek a menswear brand that will highlight their appreciation and association with the Hipster culture. “ We have seen a section of society that is not afraid to meld vintage styling with contemporary pieces” says Prasad. “ I walk down streets throughout the funky parts of Brisbane and Melbourne and see beautiful classic blazers worn with skinny jeans and a funky hat. We see button-style suspender with a T-shirt”. RaVenClan is dedicated to crafting a menswear label focused on  clients who want  garments that allows them to see, feel and be thinking at their best in that first seven seconds.   

Author : Rashmii Amoah

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